
Stronger together
Stronger together

“These tools will be available at no cost to students, saving Broad students over $100,000 in the first semester alone.” “One allows for threaded video discussions and the other uses artificial intelligence and machine reading to automatically moderate discussion boards in very large classes (making the use of discussions in large classes both possible and meaningful),” Van Hof said.

stronger together

So far, the team has forged a stronger relationship with MSU IT to streamline the educational technology procurement process and secured two new cutting-edge tools to foster an enhanced, dynamic virtual classroom. The collaborative effort, now known as MSU’s Enhanced Digital Learning Initiative, is striving to create compelling, student-centered online environments so that Spartans can advance knowledge and transform lives. Van Hof said the team’s next job was “to think about ways MSU could transform online learning into something even more meaningful - something that would separate MSU from the pack instructionally as we head into 2020-2021.” Seeing the central role that the team played in leading the university through the pandemic, Melissa Woo, senior vice president for information technology and chief information officer, tasked the three colleges to work together again in preparation for the fall. “The connections built across campus in the last five months will serve the College and all of MSU well in the years ahead, as we continue to try to create the safest and most effective learning environment possible for our students,” he continued. To get the job done, the team brought in partners from the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the College of Communication Arts and Sciences, the College of Education, MSU Libraries, MSU Information Technology, the MSU Hub, and the Resource Center for Persons With Disabilities to build two online training programs - one synchronous and one asynchronous.

stronger together stronger together

“Our support of teaching and learning since March has relied on meaningful collaborations and trusting relationships, which allowed us to create hundreds of support documents and training events without redundancy,” Van Hof said.

Stronger together