
Clustertruck final boss
Clustertruck final boss

clustertruck final boss

There would be factories of wizards brewing this potion endlessly. Could you imagine if there was a wonderful healing ointment that could heal horrific wounds in seconds? It would be produced in the thousands of gallons. She pulls out a vial of magical healing potion. In the seventh movie, Hermione pulls out a vial of liquid to heal Ron’s shattered and flayed arm.


That’s kind of how the entire series goes, unfortunately. Are we to assume that there are charms near the school to prevent this? If so, why can the Order of the Phoenix do it in the seventh book before the battle of Hogwarts? Is it a power level thing? Or a credential thing? There’s no solid explanation of where the rules and limitations of apparating begin and end. They have flying cars and motorcycles, why not a flying train? Why be hindered by tracks? Why go to Platform 9 3/4 in the first place? Why not apparate to the entrance of Hogwarts. It also makes the entire transport industry obsolete, yet these kids still ride a train to school? Why not just fly. To begin, criminals must be absurdly hard to capture. This is cool until you dig a little deeper and realize the implications. In the books and movies, wizards that are of age have Be ability to teleport anywhere they want, on a whim. As a short example, let’s take a look at the ability to apparate and disapparate.

clustertruck final boss

This is essentially the issue in Harry Potter. What is Aragorn’s tax plan, who are your allies? How do you handle rogue bands of men roaming the countryside after the downfall of Sauron? How do you handle any of the mundane day to day of running a city, let alone a kingdom. I don’t know the exact quote, but essentially Gurm questions Aragorn’s ability to govern, as he’s never had any formal experience with it. I’m reminded of a quote by GRRM (not that he’s all knowing) about Tolkien’s Aragorn and the Return of the King. Most things can be explained away by saying “oh, it’s magic.” The problem is this doesn’t work when magic is the cause of the problem. It really is a great story on the surface: boy-kid wonder lives through viscous attack, mother and father die to save him, big bad guy comes back for blood over the next 20 years. The great magical saga that captured 10 year olds everywhere in the late nineties and the early aughts.

Clustertruck final boss